
Filing instructions details
Instructions for official seal filing

Article 1 When the public security organ handles the filing and registration of an official seal, it shall review and register the identity card of the person in charge of engraving the official seal, as well as a written commitment that the filing materials provided are true and valid (see Appendix 1). For enterprises to engrave official seals, they should also review and register the valid identity certificate of the legal representative.

Article 2 According to the different needs of official seal engraving, official seal registration is divided into new engraving (an official seal is engraved by a newly established unit), additional engraving (an official seal other than the legal name seal is engraved), and re-engraving (required due to the obsolescence or damage of the official seal). There are four procedures: re-engraving) and re-engraving (re-engraving is required because the official seal is lost or stolen).

Article 3 If the official seal is newly engraved, the public security organs shall review and register the materials according to the nature of the unit or institution. For organizations and institutions at all levels of the Communist Party of China, state administrative agencies, democratic parties and trade unions, Communist Youth League, Women’s Federation and other groups that need to engrave official seals, the approval text of the registered organization and institution and the document issued by the superior authority (competent department) must be reviewed Official letter (letter of introduction); for enterprises, institutions, social groups registered with the civil affairs department, private non-enterprise institutions and village (resident) committees that need to engrave official seals, the engraving certificate issued by the superior authority and the establishment of the unit must be reviewed and registered of approval text. If there is no competent department, the original business license and registration certificate issued by the registration management department shall be reviewed.

Article 4 When engraving an additional official seal, in addition to the materials in Articles 1 and 3, the public security organs shall also review and register the unit’s introduction letter stamped with the legal name seal, the original official seal registration certificate, and the seal holder certificate. If a special invoice seal is to be engraved, the original tax registration certificate shall also be reviewed and registered.

Article 5 When an official seal is re-engraved, in addition to the materials in Articles 1 and 3, the public security organ shall also review and register the original official seal filing certificate, seal holding certificate and the official seal that needs to be replaced. Under the supervision of the staff at the filing window, the person in charge will destroy the official seal that needs to be replaced on the spot. At the same time, the staff at the filing window will issue a seal destruction registration form to the seal-using unit (see Attachment 2).

Article 6 To re-engrave an official seal, in addition to the materials in Articles 1 and 3, the legal representative must be present in person. The public security organ shall also review and register the loss statement from a newspaper at or above the Nanjing municipal level, the legal person’s identity document, the original official seal registration certificate, and the seal holder. Chapter certificate. If the legal representative is indeed unable to attend for any reason, the original and copy of the legal representative’s ID card, a signed power of attorney (which must be notarized by a notary office) and the above-mentioned other materials shall be reviewed and registered. If the seal-using unit is a limited company, it must also provide machine-readable documents for the shareholders of the enterprise issued by the industrial and commercial department, and power of attorney signed by all shareholders (the original and copy of the shareholder’s identity document must be issued, and the power of attorney must be notarized by a notary office). ).

Article 7 If an official seal engraving business unit is entrusted by the seal-using unit to register a new or additional official seal, the public security organ shall review and register the official seal engraving industry employee service card and the written power of attorney of the person in charge of the seal-using unit ( See Appendix 3) and the written commitment that the filing materials are true and valid, as well as the above-mentioned required materials. If the official seal is to be re-engraved or re-engraved, the unit using the seal must apply for filing and registration on its own.

Article 8 For the engraving, re-engraving or replacement of official seals, the district (county) registration window that originally handled the new engraving of official seals shall be responsible for material review and registration.

Post time: May-18-2024